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KAER's Technologies


KAER Biotherapeutics is a leading provider and manufacturer of innovative respiratory therapeutic devices. We specialize in offering cutting-edge solutions to pharmaceutical companies, with a niche focus on respiratory therapeutics using aerosolized pulmonary surfactants, biologics, antibiotics, and other therapeutic agents without degradation. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering important products that beneficially impact patient care and quality of life in ICUs, nICUs and pICUs.

Explore Kaer's Groundbreaking Technology Below...


Solid-Phase Aerosol Generation & Delivery Platform



Aqueous Aerosol Generation & Delivery Platform

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Aerosol Delivery Videos

AeroPulsR Anchor

Previous Partial Funding From NIH NHLBI SBIRs : R43142335, R43127834, R44127834

The contents in this presentation is solely the responsibility of the author and does not represent the official views of the National Institute of Health.


High-Performance Aerosol Therapy Platform for Adults and Pediatric Patients

Introducing the AeroPulsR™ – KAER's AeroPulsR is an innovative aerosol delivery system designed for optimal drug administration. With a single pass, clog-free nozzle, it aerosolizes 100% of the drug without degradation, ensuring high-dose delivery that ensures short treatment duration and improved adherence. This device uses either air, oxygen, or heliox. Aqueous aerosols are delivered at 2-5 µm diameters at selectable drug aerosolization rates of 0.5 to 4 ml/min. Experience unparalleled efficiency with up to 4-10 times more aerosol delivered compared to traditional mesh and atomizers.

  • ​​Soft, high-dose boluses delivered during inhalation conserving drug.

  • Simulated tests demonstrate 20 min therapy delivers 20 mg/kg of agent to a 70 kg patient, whereas,12 min therapy delivers 20 mg/kg of agent to a neonate.

  • Aerosol plume is delivered either:

      1) continuously

      2) periodically (to conserve drug), or

      3)spontaneously during inspiration by the patient.

10 Times Higher Dose Generation

  • AeroPulsR generated 4.2 µm diameter (Dv50) surfactant aerosols from surfactants of concentrations 35 and 70 mg/ml at a flow rate of 3 ml/min, which is 10 times higher than an atomizer which aerosolized the surfactants at a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min generating 4.4 and 5.1 µm diameter aerosols.

  • AeroPulsR aerosolized 4 times and 8 times the surfactant flow rate per minute compared to a mesh-type nebulizer, which aerosolized 35 and 70 mg/ml concentration surfactants at 0.8 and 0.4 ml/min while generating 4.4 µm diameter (Dv50) aerosols.

Wide Range of Applicable Drugs, Including Biologics

  • AeroPulsR generates aerosols from aqueous solutions with low or high viscosity (1-50 cp), low or high molecular wt., and structures.

  • Virtually identical aerosol diameters for 35 and 70 mg/ml pulmonary surfactant is achieved by AeroPulsR

  • Aerosol particle sizes are customizable.

  • AeroPulsR operates on compressed air, oxygen or heliox; depending on application.

Advanced Precise Dose Generation & Delivery

Fast Aerosol Boluses
Fast Aerosol Boluses
  • These images show rapid aerosol plume generation and deactivation by KAER's proprietary system. Gamma-globulins aqueous solution (100mg/ml) was used.

  • Aerosol intensity (shown by blue square waves) was captured using high-speed camera.

  • Instantaneous activation and deactivation of aerosol generation indicates precise control throughout aerosol generation and dose delivery depending upon the patient's tidal volume and breath rate.




Introducing the SUPRAER™ – a revolutionary device that delivers high concentrations of fine respirable dry aerosols directly from liquid drugs in a single stage. It effectively aerosolized and delivers solid-phase drugs, including pulmonary surfactants, proteins, and antibiotics, with selectable aerosol diameters ranging from 2 to 4 µm. With dose rates of up to 4 mg/s and the ability to deliver 2 g in under 10 minutes without additional excipients, SUPRAER™ offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency. Experience aerosol delivery “on demand” with precise control over aerosolization and output humidity for optimal therapeutic results.

  • Delivers fine respirable dry aerosols from liquid drug in a single stage.

  • Delivers solid-phase aerosols of pure drug – propmonary surfactants, proteins, and antibiotics.

  • Delivers respirable aerosols of selectable size of 2 – 4 µm (MMAD).

  • Delivers dose rates up to 4 mg/s.

  • Delivers up to 2 g in under 10 minutes.

  • No additional excipients are required in the API.

  • Flexible control over aerosolization and output humidity.


SUPRAER-Compressed Air Models


SUPRAER-CA™ High Flow Concentrator


SUPRAER-CA™ Low Flow Concentrator


SUPRAER-Compressed Heliox


SEM Images of aerosol particles generated from 100 mg/ml polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), bovine serum albumin and gamma-globulin using heliox or air.

Red Scale Bar is 5 𝛍m.

  • Generates aerosols smaller (1 – 3 µm) than SUPRAER-CA™ (Compressed Air) model.

  • Aerosolizes 100% of fluid input.Large, clog-free aerosol exit orifice selectable between 200 – 700 µm.

  • Low or high molecular weight agents, biologics and suspension up to 40 cP viscosity.

  • Selectable drug delivery rates between 50 µl/min to 3 ml/min.

  • No secondary baffle is required, eliminating drug degradation due to shear.

​SUPRAER-CH™ Delivers High Doses of Dry (solid-phase) Agents


Aerosol Treatement Simplified

  • Generates & delivers dry solid-phase aerosols with respirable diameters of 2 – 4 µm.

  • The drug is loaded simply to the console on the onboard dispenser.

  • Treatment parameters are input on the LCD screen such as the number of breaths, inspiration & expiration duration.

  • Therapy starts with a single button press!

  • Simple to use by clinical staff or trained patients at home.

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